As part of Global Entrepreneurship Week, Penn State Berks will hold a variety of events from Nov. 11–15 including a Meetup, a speaker series, and a Creativity and Entrepreneurship Workshop.
Welk is not only the first National Player of the Year in Penn State Berks history, but also the first ever recipient from the North Eastern Athletic Conference (NEAC).
This year, the Penn State Berks Alternative Spring Break program took a group of six students, along with a staff adviser, to San Juan, Puerto Rico where they spent a week working on a mangrove reforestation project.
At the end of the 46-hour Penn State dance marathon known as THON on Sunday, February 18, 2018, it was announced that Penn State Berks lead the commonwealth campuses in fundraising totals.
Penn State Berks students turned Opportunity House, the Reading emergency shelter, into a five-star restaurant for its clients on the evening of Wednesday, Nov. 8, 2017.