Prospective students are invited to a day of tours given by Penn State Berks Alumni Lion Ambassadors, as well as current student Lion Ambassadors, beginning at 10 a.m. Sept. 24 at the Perkins Student Center Auditorium. Participants and their families are invited to stay after the tours and join the annual Penn State Berks Homecoming Weekend festivities.
As part of Penn State Berks’ ongoing sustainability efforts, student, faculty, and staff joined forces to reduce paper usage during the 2015-16 academic year.
In an effort to improve recycling efforts at Penn State Berks, the campus' Sustainability Team sought the assistance of the Media Commons to develop a student written and produced video focusing on the PepsiCo Dream Machine, a convenient and rewarding way to recycle bottles and cans on the go in a kiosk in Tully’s cafeteria in the Perkins Student Center.
Penn State’s annual celebration of Constitution Day will take place on Friday, Sept. 16 at University Park, with events happening throughout the month of September across Penn State campuses.
Students who are new to Penn State and all students living in University housing are reminded that they must submit their immunization records using myUHS through a new three-step process. As part of this process, students who do not submit their immunization records prior to Sept. 15 will be unable to register for spring 2017 classes.
Penn State Berks students and staff traveled to Belfast, Ireland to work on initiatives related to youth, hunger, and homelessness–all major issues facing citizens of Northern Ireland.
You can feel it in the air every spring and fall when it's "allergy season" in Berks County: the sneezing and running nose, the itchy, watery eyes. But did you ever wonder what your allergies look like? It may soon be possible to actually see your allergies-or rather, the pollen and mold that cause an allergic reaction in some individuals, through a partnership between Penn State Berks and Berkshire Allergy & Asthma Center.
Penn State is marking Sexual Assault Awareness month this April with a range of events and initiatives across the Commonwealth that offer educational opportunities, focus attention on the issue and bring the community together to stop sexual misconduct.
Stand for State, an initiative aimed at empowering Penn Staters to stand up for one another, kicked off this week with University-wide events. Many of the decorations and giveaways were inspired by Green Dot, a national leader in violence prevention education.